The Neighborhood

You’ll love our community of monthly donors committed to abolishing poverty in Denver.

Join the

Denver’s most vulnerable residents aren’t living in poverty because our city’s short on opportunity. They’re living in poverty because they lack the connections to…

  • Envision a better career
  • Learn new skills
  • Find an employer who will say “yes”
  • Earn while they learn a new career
We're Building the
Community That Says "Yes."
And it Works.

Investing in People is Effective

At CrossPurpose, every student is a leader preparing to make an impact on their community. In our six-month program, they learn new personal and professional skills, earn certifications for new careers, and graduate once they’ve landed a new job.

Who Benefits?

Members of The Neighborhood 
give monthly to help CrossPurpose 
offer community and training to those 
who need it most year-round.

Every minute of programming provided at CrossPurpose is free for participants.

We offer first rate training in over 20 career tracks at three locations across the city.

Leaders can receive funds for basic needs or emergencies that allow them to focus on their learning.

100% of graduates leave CrossPurpose with a new job secured.

This is possible because the people of Denver are beautiful.


All-time volunteers


Employers prefer CP grads


Community partners

You're Joining Something Big

Total Graduates
People Out of Poverty

Giving is Fun

The Neighborhood News

Every quarter, we give members of The Neighborhood all the family news and stories of courage and victory.

The Neighborhood Style

We want you to tell your friends you cared enough to connect. The Neighborhood shirt will get you started!

Get Started


Sign up to invest in
your neighbors


Get connected in ways
that work for you


Walk your city knowing
you made a difference

Say "yes" to community